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. 2020 May 27;10:794. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00794

Table 2.

Comparisons of gray matter (GM) and ALFF between frontal patients and CN subjects.

Brain region Peak MNI coordinate Peak T-value Cluster size (mm3)
x y z
(1) CN vs. FronL
(2) CN vs. FronR
L Superior parietal gyrus −24 −63 69 −5.996 837
(1) CN vs. FronL
R Superior medial frontal gyrus 12 51 33 4.2527 891
R Superior parietal gyrus 18 −81 51 −6.493 4,914
(2) CN vs. FronR
L Superior parietal gyrus −18 −84 48 −6.54 8,046

CN, controls; FrontL, patients with left frontal glioma; FrontR, patients with right frontal glioma; GM, gray matter; ALFF, amplitude of low frequency fluctuation; L, left; R, right. All results were thresholded at a voxel-wise P < 0.05 (threshold-free cluster enhancement family-wise error, TFCE FWE corrected) and cluster size >30 voxels.