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. 2020 Jun 2;86(12):e00779-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00779-20


Hematological and serum chemistry values in Darwin’s foxes from Chiloé Island

Variable (unit)a Sample size Median value SD Range
WBC (μl) 31 15,850 5,020 5,960–29,600
RBC (μl) 31 5,870,000 957,455 3,310,000–7,880,000
HB (g/liter) 31 13.9 2.14 7.3–18.7
HTO (%) 31 42.3 7 23.9–59.0
MCV (fl) 25 72 23.31 16.4–90.0
MCH (fl) 31 23.6 0.97 21.8–26.3
MCHC (g/liter) 31 32.3 1.7 27–35.5
PLT (μl) 31 304,000 109,250 141,000–580,000
N (μl) 25 12,648 3,845 4,410–18,480
L (μl) 30 1,738 1,717 752–9,400
M (μl) 30 510 1,167 138–6,150
E (μl) 26 150 681 0–3,071
Ca (mmol/liter) 26 2.46 0.39 1.35–2.94
P (mmol/liter) 28 1.95 3.50 0.1–11.3
BUN (mmol/liter) 28 9.11 5.02 4.82–27.4
Crea (mmol/liter) 28 0.07 0.3 0.04–0.18
Bil (μmol/liter) 21 3.93 2.57 1.71–13.68
Gluc (mmol/liter) 28 2.6 1.69 0.06–6.16
Chol (mmol/liter) 28 5 1.11 2.92–8.02
ALP (IU/liter) 22 40 76.59 3–227
ALT (IU/liter) 26 77 33.40 30–152
AST (IU/liter) 26 83 53.46 21–225
GGT (IU/liter) 24 2 4 1–21
Prot (g/liter) 25 76 11 45–96
Glob (g/liter) 23 40 73 32–58
Alb (g/liter) 28 30 66 17.2–47

WBC, white blood cells, RBC, red blood cells; HB, hemoglobin; HTO, hematocrit; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; PLT, platelet count; N, neutrophils; L, lymphocytes; M, monocytes; E, eosinophils; Ca, calcium; P, phosphorus; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Crea, creatinine; Bil, bilirubin; Gluc, glucose; Chol, cholesterol; ALP, alkakine phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; Prot, total proteins; Glob, globulins; Alb, albumin.