Table I.
Suggestions to reduce the effect of coronavirus disease 2019 on students underrepresented in medicine
Systems in place before COVID-19 | Suggestions to reduce the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on UIMs |
Electronic screening filters for residency interview selection based on high USMLE score minimums | Eliminate high cutoff scores for USMLE step 1 and step 2 CK, keeping in mind that test cancellations and rescheduling may unduly affect UIM students who historically stem from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and may lose access to study resources because of financial constraints. |
Emphasis on AOA selection, clinical grades, and publication quantity | Shift emphasis to leadership, volunteerism, and research in underserved populations. Highlight GHHS selection and make increased program diversity an overt goal of residency candidate selection. |
Networking through large in-person conferences. | Create virtual diversity and inclusion networking events by residency programs, dermatologic societies, and dermatologic organizations that focus on student mentorship and advocacy. |
Visiting elective programs for UIM students. | Offer virtual 2- or 4-week rotations for UIM students to engage in grand rounds and didactics, and offer the opportunity to collaborate on small research projects, and one-on-one meetings with program leadership. |
AOA, Alpha Omega Alpha; CK, clinical knowledge; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; GHHS, Gold Humanism Honor Society; UIM, Underrepresented in medicine; USMLE, United States Medical Licensing Examination.