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. 2020 Jun 2;11(3):e00535-20. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00535-20

FIG 1.


Variation in responsiveness and in cross talk between QS pherotypes in the B. cereus group. Each column presents the % of transcriptional activity of PplcA, a PlcR-dependent promoter, when the indicated peptide is added to the cells relative to its activity when the cognate peptide is used for each PlcR pherotype. Each column should be read independently of the others. PlcR I, III, and IV indicate the plcR allele harbored by an otherwise isogenic ΔplcRpapR strain. PapR I, III, and IV indicate the pherotype of the synthetic peptide added to the cells. The figure was produced using data from Bouillaut et al. (23).