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. 2020 Jan 9;41(7):1934–1949. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24922

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Plots from GLM fits between antisaccade measures (direction errors and SRT) and ERB measures (latency or mean peak pseudo‐Z) during antisaccade preparation (stimulus‐aligned) (a–c) and execution (saccade‐aligned) (d). (a) SRT and latency of peaks within ipsilateral and contralateral FEF (b) SRT and latency of peaks within ipsilateral PEF. (c) SRT and mean peak power pseudo‐Z within ipsilateral and contralateral FEF (d) Percent direction errors and mean peak power pseudo‐Z within contralateral FEF. GLM, general linear model; ERB, event‐related beamforming; FEF, frontal eye field PEF; PEF, parietal eye field; SRT, saccade reaction time