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. 2019 Sep 11;41(1):46–66. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24786

Table 5.

(A) Results (FWE‐corrected p < .05 for cluster‐level inference) of group General Linear Model for the contrasts: neutral > rest, consonance > rest, dissonance > rest, dissonance > consonance and consonance > dissonance. (B) Results of group psychophysiological interaction analysis (PPI) with seed voxels (sphere with a 6 mm radius) located around highest peak for each subject within the left rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex and the left Medial Prefrontal Cortex, for the regions that significantly differed in the SPM contrast dissonance > consonance. The regions described showed stronger positive functional connectivity with the left rostral anterior cingulate cortex during the dissonant condition compared to the consonant condition

Region Peak MNI Voxels Max t‐value (z‐value) Mean t (std.) p‐value (FWE)
(A) Subtractive analysis
Neutral > rest
Temporal sup L −54 –43 13 256 7.56 (4.79) 4.73 (0.70) <.0001
Temporal mid L 158 4.80 (0.75) Within Cl.
Heschl L 19 4.15 (0.34) Within Cl.
Rolandic Oper L 18 4.16 (0.33) Within Cl.
SupraMarginal L 11 4.07 (0.28) Within Cl.
Temporal sup R 60 –31 1 272 8.35 (4.72) 5.17 (1.05) <.0001
Temporal mid R 113 5.21 (1.13) Within Cl.
Heschl R 14 4.19 (0.35) Within Cl.
Consonance > rest
Temporal sup L −51 –22 4 87 5.41 (3.97) 4.36 (0.43) <.0001
Heschl L 22 4.11 (0.32) Within Cl.
Rolandic Oper L 4 3.86 (0.07) Within Cl.
Temporal mid L 5 3.85 (0.06) Within Cl.
Temporal sup R 51 –16 1 83 4.94 (3.75) 4.17 (0.32) 0.007
Heschl R 10 3.96 (0.18) Within Cl.
Dissonance > rest
Temporal sup L −18 –34 16 194 6.88 (4.56) 4.51 (0.60) <.0001
Heschl_L 40 4.41 (0.49) Within Cl.
Rolandic_Oper_L 13 4.00 (0.15) Within Cl.
Temporal_Mid_L 15 3.93 (0.15) Within Cl.
SupraMarginal_L 2 4.00 (0.13) Within Cl.
Temporal_Sup_R 60 –16 1 115 6.26 (4.33) 4.39 (0.58) .038
Rolandic_Oper_R 13 4.06 (0.18) Within Cl.
Dissonance > consonance
Anterior cingulate L −9 47 10 5 4.70 (3.63) 4.30 (0.27) .047
Medial prefrontal L −12 50 10 17 4.53 (3.54) 4.08 (0.23) .022
Parietal sup. L −15 –64 43 7 4.70 (3.63) 4.24 (0.32) * uncorrected p < .001
Occipital sup. R 21–73 37 1 4.91 (3.73) 4.90 (0.18) * uncorrected p < .001
Cuneus R. 18–73 37 1 5.13 (3.84) 5.12 (0.18) * uncorrected p < .001
Temporal mid. L −51 –49 –2 6 4.36 (3.45) 4.01 (0.20) * uncorrected p < .001
Consonance > dissonance
(no significant activations were observed)
(B) Functional connectivity analysis
Seed region (6 mm radius sphere) located around highest peak for each subject within the left rostral anterior cingulate cortex
PPI – dissonance > consonance
Temporal sup. L −57 –16 4 16 4.80 (3.52) 3.41 (0.29) 0.047
Heschl L −60 –10 10 5 3.41 (2.89) 3.15 (0.17) Cl.
Temporal sup. R 57 –4 4 23 4.42 (3.34) 3.21 (0.22) 0.034
Heschl R 54 –7 7 9 3.61 (3.01) 3.19 (0.23) Cl.
Seed region (6 mm radius sphere) located around highest peak for each subject within the left medial prefrontal cortex
(no significant results were observed)

Note: * indicates significant results at uncorrected p < .001, but not significant at p < .05 FWE‐corrected for cluster‐level inference.

Abbreviations: L, left; R, right; within Cl., areas integrating the above detailed cluster‐level p‐value.