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. 2020 Jun 3;20:271. doi: 10.1186/s12887-020-02175-w

Table 3.

Hierarchical multiple regression of social relationships with SES variables among adolescents

Variables Model 1 Model 2
B 95% (CI) p β B 95% (CI) p β
Parent-child relationship
 Age (Years) −0.02 − 0.08, 0.04 0.52 −0.01 − 0.01 − 0.07, 0.05 0.70 − 0.01
 Gender (Boy vs. Girls) 0.73 0.53, 0.92 < 0.001 0.09 0.71 0.51, 0.91 < 0.001 0.08
 Household registration (Urban vs. Rural) −0.23 − 0.44, − 0.03 0.03 − 0.03 0.07 − 0.15, 0.30 0.53 0.01
 Family structure (Intact vs. Non-intact) −1.38 −1.65, −1.11 < 0.001 − 0.12 − 1.28 − 1.55, − 1.01 < 0.001 − 0.11
 Family size (Non-only child vs. only child) − 0.52 − 0.72, − 0.31 < 0.001 − 0.06 − 0.49 − 0.70, − 0.28 < 0.001 −0.06
 Subjective SES 0.18 −0.01, 0.37 0.06 0.02
 Paternal education level 0.65 0.42, 0.89 < 0.001 0.08
 Maternal education level −0.20 −0.42, 0.03 0.09 −0.03
 Paternal occupation status 0.54 0.32, 0.77 < 0.001 0.07
 Maternal occupation status −0.10 −0.27, 0.07 0.25 −0.02
 Adjusted R2 0.025 0.035
 ∆R2 0.026 0.011
Peer relationship
 Age (Years) −0.42 −0.6, −0.23 < 0.001 −0.05 − 0.29 −0.48, − 0.11 < 0.001 −0.04
 Gender (Boy vs. Girls) 1.95 1.33, 2.58 < 0.001 0.07 1.71 1.10, 2.33 < 0.001 0.06
 Household registration (Urban vs. Rural) −3.40 −4.05, −2.75 < 0.001 −0.13 −0.94 −1.64, − 0.24 0.01 − 0.04
 Family structure (Intact vs. Non-intact) −4.43 −5.29, − 3.57 < 0.001 − 0.12 − 3.73 −4.58, − 2.89 < 0.001 −0.10
 Family size (Non-only child vs. only child) −0.46 − 1.11, 0.19 0.17 −0.02 0.09 −0.56, 0.74 0.79 0.003
 Subjective SES 2.45 1.86, 3.03 < 0.001 0.10
 Paternal education level 2.04 1.30, 2.77 < 0.001 0.08
 Maternal education level 1.92 1.21, 2.62 < 0.001 0.08
 Paternal occupation status 2.07 1.38, 2.77 < 0.001 0.08
 Maternal occupation status −0.12 −0.65, 0.41 0.67 −0.01
 Adjusted R2 0.041 0.081
 ∆R2 0.041 0.041
Student-teacher relationship
 Age (Years) −1.17 −1.34, −1.00 < 0.001 −0.16 −1.11 −1.28, − 0.93 < 0.001 −0.15
 Gender (Boy vs. Girls) 2.29 1.71, 2.87 < 0.001 0.09 2.12 1.54, 2.7 < 0.001 0.09
 Household registration (Urban vs. Rural) −1.44 −2.04, −0.84 < 0.001 − 0.06 0.06 − 0.6, 0.71 0.87 0.002
 Family structure (Intact vs. Non-intact) −4.80 −5.58, −4.01 < 0.001 −0.14 −4.37 −5.16, −3.58 < 0.001 − 0.13
 Family size (Non-only child vs. only child) −0.05 − 0.65, 0.55 0.88 − 0.002 0.36 − 0.25, 0.96 0.25 0.01
 Subjective SES 0.90 0.36, 1.44 < 0.001 0.04
 Paternal education level 1.15 0.47, 1.84 < 0.001 0.05
 Maternal education level 1.52 0.86, 2.18 < 0.001 0.07
 Paternal occupation status 1.13 0.48, 1.77 < 0.001 0.05
 Maternal occupation status 0.20 −0.29, 0.7 0.42 0.01
 Adjusted R2 0.057 0.072
 ∆R2 0.057 0.016