Fig. 5.
Heat map, hierarchical clustering presentation, scatter plot, and volcano plot of the expression profile of genes in control and M. vaccae groups. a. Heat map and hierarchical clustering showed the relationships among gene expression patterns of samples (n = 3). Red indicates high relative expression, and green indicates low relative expression. b. Scatter plot, the values of X and Y axes in the scatter plot are the normalized signal values of the samples (log2 scaled) or the averaged normalized signal values of the groups (log2 scaled). The green lines are Fold Change Lines (the default fold change value given is 2.0). The genes above the top green line and below the bottom green line indicated more than a 2-fold change of genes between two samples or groups (n = 3). c. DE genes with statistical significance were identified through the volcano plot, and the red diamonds represented DE genes with fold change ≥2.0, P ≤ 0.05 (n = 3). C1 – C3, sample 1 to sample 3 in control group; V1-V3, sample 1 to sample 3 in Vaccae group