Fig. 2.
Exemplary visualization of the fitting results for a representative nucleus (stage G1, run #1) given in the stacked TIF file sphere_image_rytov-sc_images.tif as produced by DryMass. The title of the image contains the dataset identifier (63e2b), the image number (9), the ROI identifier (4), and the fitting method (rytov-sc: the systematically-corrected Rytov approximation [8]). The first column shows (a) the background-corrected phase image and (d) the intensity image of the isolated nucleus. The second column shows (b) the fitted phase and (e) the resulting intensity (all-one for rytov-sc). The fitted radius is shown as a dashed circle in A, B, D, and E. The last column shows (e) the fit residuals and (f) a line plot through the fitted center of the isolated nucleus for the original and the fitted phase data