Flexor explants were incubated with CM with or without DEX from day
2–7 to simulate BTM injury and treated injury in the absence of living
muscle and bone (n=5/group/timepoint). (A) Otherwise healthy FDL explants
() remain viable for the
entire 7-day culture period. (B) FDL+CM explants have reduced viability after 24
hours in CM that persists through day 7. (C) FDL+CM+DEX explants demonstrated
rescued viability compared to the FDL+CM group. While there were no differences
in (D) metabolism, (E) DNA, (F) total collagen, (G) sGAG, (H) sGAG synthesis,
and (I) proliferation were all reduced in FDL+CM explants (). DEX treatment () further reduced metabolic activity,
sGAG synthesis, and proliferation but rescued matrix loss in total collagen and
sGAG. Data are presented as mean ± 95% confidence interval where
significant differences compared to the FDL control group are represented by
stars (*) and compared to the FDL+CM group are represented by the scarab symbol
(¤). Trends are additionally denoted by a hashtag symbol (#).