Environment influences expression of cuticular collagens. Expression of collagens and regulators was measured in wild-type animals (N2) using nCounter technology. Of the collagen genes tested, only dpy-13, lon-3, rol-6, and sqt-1 (red box) produced statistically significant different changes in gene expression of ≥1.5-fold (P < 0.05) in animals fed C. aquatica and in animals having experienced L1 arrest, relative to nonarrested animals fed E. coli OP50. Relative expression is shown, and counts were normalized to expression in animals fed E. coli OP50. (B) Knockdown of several collagen genes by feeding decreases rolling in rol-6(su1006)T animals (ERT60) and sqt-3(sc8) mutants. RNAi knockdown by feeding was used in a single generation. Each dot represents a population of ∼50 animals. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Asterisks indicate P values (** P <0.005, **** P <0.0005).