The effect of an active element on methylation of a silenced element. (A) The crosses used to generate the samples subject to bisulfite sequencing (red box) (B) A graphic representation of patterns of cytosine methylation within TIRA in plants of the indicated genotypes. Cytosines in different sequence contexts (CG, CHG, and CHH) are as indicated. (C) Percent methylation of cytosines within 5′ TIRA and 3′TIRA in plants of the indicated genotype. F2, MuDR(p1)* in the generation after exposure to Muk after Muk has been segregated away; F3, MuDR(p1)* in the following generation after MuDR(p5) has segregated away; p1, MuDR(p1); p1*, silenced MuDR(p1); p5, MuDR(p5).