High fat diet-fed mice develop obesity. Box and whisker plots of total body weight of HFD (N = 11), HFD + CXCR4 antagonist (HFDA) (N = 9), LFD (N = 7), or LFD + CXCR4 antagonist (LFDA) (N = 12) fed mice. HFD or HFD + CXCR4 antagonist-fed mice averaged 55.6(+/− 2.9) g or 62(+/− 1.7) g, respectively, compared to LFD or LFD + CXCR4 antagonist-fed mice, which averaged 37.1 (+/− 1.5) g or 41.4(+/− 3.3) g in total body weight. HFD or HFDA fed mice gained significantly (P < .001) more weight than LFD or LFDA fed mice. Treatment with the CXCR4 antagonist did not affect weight gain in any group. Box plots indicate lower extreme, lower quartile, median (line), mean (x), upper quartile and upper extreme. Statistical significance between groups is indicated as *, P < 0.01; **, P < 0.001; ***, P > 0001