Total bacterial sequences (HAIrB counts), including A. baumanii complex, E. coli, E. faecalis, E. faecium, K. pneumoniae, P. mirabilis, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and S. epidermidis in ICU samples for (A) patient (PT) and healthcare environment (HE), (B) ICU sample locations–Patient (PT), Bed, Common Use Equipments (EquipCommonUse), Nurse Station, Entrance Hall and Hands Hygiene Sinks (HandHygSink), and (C) specific ICU sampling sites–Patient Rectum and Nasal (PT Rectum and PT Nasal), Oximeter, Stethoscope, Telephone, Door Handle and Access buttons, Bed Rails, Respirator, Electrocardiograph, Computer, Infusion bomb, Gas Ruler, Ultrasound equipment, Curtains, Medical Car (MedCar), Dialysis, Medical records, Monitor, Bench, Soap Dispenser (SoapDisp), IV Stand, Balance, Tap and Alcohol Dispenser (AlcoholDisp). HAIrB counts for NICU samples considering (D) patient (PT) and healthcare environment (HE), (E) NICU sample locations–Patient (PT), Bed, Hands Hygiene Sinks (HandHygSink), Common Use Equipments (EquipCommonUse), Nurse Station, Entrance from service station (EntranceServStation), Service Station Between Beds (BetwBedServStation), Medical Station (MedStation) and Entrance Hall and, and (F) NICU specific sampling sites–Patient Stool and Nasal (PT Stool and PT Nasal), Oximeter, Bed Rails, Sphygmomanometer, Balance, Incubator gates, Stethoscope, Incubator Drawer, Respirator, Infusion Bomb, Material Car, Bench, Monitor, Telephone Soap Dispenser (SoapDisp), Computer, Tap, Medical Records, Gas Ruler, Knobs of Drawers, Door Handle and Access buttons, Alcohol Dispenser (AlcoholDisp), IV Stand, Medical Car, Emergency Car, Phototherapy, Minifridge and Srcreen.