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. 2020 Feb 26;150(6):1499–1508. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxaa040


Characteristics of adult cancer survivors and individuals without cancer, NHANES 2003–20161

Characteristics Cancer survivors (n = 2772) Individuals without cancer (n = 31,310) P
Age, y 62.3 ± 0.38 45.5 ± 0.22 <0.01
Age groups, n (%) <0.01
 20–39 y 196 (8.51) 11,532 (39.5)
 40–49 y 224 (11.8) 5634 (20.9)
 50–59 y 353 (18.1) 4895 (18.4)
 60–69 y 666 (24.1) 4824 (12.0)
 70–79 y 782 (24.2) 2797 (6.14)
 80–85 y 551 (13.4) 1628 (3.04)
Sex, n (%) <0.01
 Male 1262 (40.0) 15,388 (49.1)
 Female 1510 (60.0) 15,922 (50.9)
Race/ethnicity, n (%) <0.01
 Non-Hispanic white 1844 (84.7) 13,297 (67.1)
 Non-Hispanic black 450 (6.69) 6855 (11.8)
 Hispanic 351 (4.89) 8326 (14.2)
 Other 127 (3.76) 2832 (6.94)
Education, n (%) 0.33
 Less than high school 690 (15.8) 8238 (17.1)
 High school graduate/GED or equivalent 649 (22.6) 7296 (23.5)
 Some college 783 (31.9) 8984 (31.5)
 College graduate or above 648 (29.7) 6764 (27.9)
Family income to poverty ratio,2n (%) 0.02
 <1.30 895 (23.2) 11,639 (26.2)
 1.30–2.99 880 (28.3) 9091 (27.3)
 3.00–4.99 495 (22.1) 5617 (22.9)
 ≥5.00 502 (26.4) 4963 (23.6)
Smoking,3n (%) <0.01
 Nonsmokers 1212 (43.4) 17,239 (54.9)
 Former smokers 1104 (39.0) 7241 (23.2)
 Current smokers 454 (17.6) 6813 (21.9)
Alcohol4 (drinks/wk), n (%) <0.01
 Nondrinkers 1320 (42.7) 11,621 (32.5)
 Moderate drinkers 1202 (50.5) 15,551 (58.9)
 Heavy drinkers 132 (6.82) 2121 (8.61)
Physical activity,5n (%) <0.01
 Active 1296 (50.8) 17,351 (59.9)
 Inactive 1476 (49.2) 13,952 (40.1)
HEI-20156 60.0 ± 0.32 56.9 ± 0.17 <0.01
HEI-2015 quartile,6n (%) <0.01
 Q1 (0–50.6) 195 (14.5) 3900 (25.1)
 Q2 (50.7–56.3) 312 (20.4) 4295 (24.7)
 Q3 (56.4–62.4) 441 (27.9) 4765 (25.2)
 Q4 (62.5–100) 643 (37.2) 5016 (25.0)
BMI,7 kg/m2 29.1 ± 0.17 28.8 ± 0.08 0.24
Weight status, n (%) 0.43
 Underweight (BMI <18.5) 43 (1.62) 479 (1.59)
 Normal weight (BMI = 18.5–24.9) 716 (27.3) 8606 (29.3)
 Overweight (BMI = 25.0–29.9) 966 (34.0) 10,287 (33.1)
 Obese (BMI ≥30.0) 1000 (37.2) 11,584 (36.0)
Primary diagnosis, n (%)
 Breast cancer 475 (17.2)
 Prostate cancer 470 (10.7)
 Colon cancer 246 (7.04)
 Lung cancer 69 (2.49)
 Other cancer 1512 (62.5)
Time since diagnosis, y 11.4 ± 0.29
Time since diagnosis, n (%)
 0–4.99 y 924 (31.1)
 5.00–9.99 y 637 (23.0)
 ≥10.0 y 1211 (45.8)

Values are means ± SEss or number of observations (n) and percentages (%). All values were adjusted for survey weights. GED, General Education Development; HEI, Healthy Eating Index; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.


Represents the ratio of family income, the federal poverty threshold, adjusting for household size. For reference, the federal threshold in 2014 for a family of 4 was $23,850/y. A family of 4 earning $44,123/y would have a ratio of 1.85.


Smokers were defined as individuals who reported smoking ≥100 cigarettes during their lifetime, with former smokers defined as not currently smoking and current smokers defined as currently smoking.


Moderate drinkers were defined as individuals who reported drinking alcohol ≤1 drink/d for women and ≤2 drinks/d for men.


Minutes per week of MVPA was calculated by summarizing minutes, with vigorous physical activities weighted at 2 min for each minute of vigorous physical activity. Participants were classified as physically active if MVPA they met or exceeded 150 min/wk, according to the CDC Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (13).


HEI-2015 measures adherence to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, with higher scores corresponding to higher adherence (14). HEI-2015 scores were categorized based on quartiles of HEI-2015 among individuals without cancer.


BMI was calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. Participants were classified as underweight (BMI <18.5), normal weight (BMI = 18.5–24.9), overweight (BMI = 25–29.9), or obese (BMI ≥30).