Fig. 3.
Ceramide profiles in human and mouse SC. SC samples were collected by tape stripping from humans (aged 20–50 years; n = 19) and mice (on the first day after birth; n = 3). Lipids were extracted from the tapes and subjected to LC/MS/MS analyses to quantify ceramides. A: Amount of each ceramide class. Values are the sum of the ceramide species containing each FA chain length (nonhydroxy ceramides, α-hydroxy ceramides, and BS: C14–C36; ω-hydroxy and EO ceramides: C26–36) and represent means ± SDs. B: The ratio of each ceramide class to total ceramides. C: The proportion of ceramide classes containing a common LCB. D: The ratio of ceramide classes containing a common type of FA. E: The FA composition of ceramide classes representing more than 1% of the total ceramides in human and mouse SC. F: The ratio of odd-chain FAs in each ceramide class. Values represent means ± SDs. G: The ratio of unsaturated FAs in each ceramide class. Values represent means ± SDs.