Figure 3.
Comparison of motoneuron firing frequency-current relationships in hG93A-SOD1 and wild-type mice. (A,B) Repetitive firing in response to the injected current ramps in a representative wild-type motoneuron (A) and an hG93A-SOD1 motoneuron (B). The corresponding current amplitude at first spike onset and last spike are defined as Ion and Ioff and the difference as ΔI. C, The instantaneous frequency was calculated from (A) and (B) and plotted against the corresponding current intensity to generate the F-I relationships of the wild-type (red trace) and the hG93A-SOD1 (green trace), respectively. The red arrow in (B) indicates the onset of a PIC. The ascending and descending phases of the F-I relationships were then fitted with a linear equation to obtain the slopes, which are reported in Table 2 and used as a metric for excitability.