During mitosis, both dynein and HSET, together with IFT proteins, contribute to focus supernumerary centrosomes into spindle poles. In the absence of IFT proteins, this activity is reduced, at least for HSET, resulting in an increased inter‐centrosomal distance (black arrowhead Fig
4D). Eventually, spindles fail to organize into a bipolar structure, and, in anaphase, the DNA is segregated in more than two DNA mass due to multipolar spindle organization (Figs
1 and
EV1 and
4). This abnormal DNA segregation results in reduced cell proliferation in cells naturally harboring supernumerary centrosomes (Fig
5). MT: microtubules. Centro.: centrosomes. Dynein mov.: centrosome movements resulting from dynein activity. HSET mov.: centrosome movements resulting from HSET activity.