Predicted concentrations of uranyl nitrate (a), nitric acid (b),
and water (c) in the organic phase using the model versus experimental
results.2,3,14,17−22 Reprinted from ref (2), Copyright (2011), with permission from Elsevier. Reprinted from
ref (3), Copyright
(1970), with permission from Elsevier. Reprinted with permission from
ref (8). Copyright
[2005] [Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology of the Budapest
University of Technology and Economics]. Reprinted with permission
from ref (17). Copyright
[1964] [John Wiley & Sons]. Reprinted with permission from ref (19). Copyright [1962] [Taylor
& Francis]. Reprinted from ref (20), Copyright (1966), with permission form Elsevier.
Reprinted by permission from [Springer Nature Customer Service Centre
GmbH]: on behalf of Cancer Research UK: [Springer] [21, 2012]. Reprinted
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on behalf of Cancer Research UK: [Springer] [22, 2013].