F–XDouble immunolabeling of SYCP3 (red) and RAP1 (blue) and telomere FISH (PNA‐Tel, green) in Pds5AB cKO spread spermatocytes at the indicated stages. Asterisks on (H, M, R, and W) indicate the position of the enlarged chromosomes/bivalents shown in a 300% magnification in (I, J, N, O, S, T, and X), respectively, displaying telomere stretches, multiple telomere, distant telomeres, and telomere‐less. Yellow arrowheads in (I) indicate telomeres displaying a distant telomere configuration observed both by telomere FISH and RAP1 immunolabeling. White arrowheads in (J, N, O, S, and T) indicate telomeres with an altered organization of telomeric DNA into multiple telomere signals with (N) or without RAP1 signals (J, and T), and telomere stretches (O and S) without RAP1 signals. Pink arrowheads in (T) indicate a telomere presenting a regular telomere FISH signal without a RAP1 signal.