Fig. 4. Comparison of different copy-number variation (CNV) detection methods.
(a) Breakdown of true positive CNVs predicted by different methods. Note that all true positive CNVs were predicted by gCNV. (b) Breakdown of false positive CNVs predicted by different methods. Note that only one false positive CNV was predicted by all three CNV prediction methods. (c) The distribution of sizes of CNVs predicted by different methods. Note that in general, duplications were predicted less often, and were on average larger in size than predicted deletions. (d) Comparison of the gCNV predicted sizes of validated CNVs that were also predicted by the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array (gCNV SA + ve) versus the gCNV predicted size of validated CNVs that were not predicted by the SA (gCNV SA-ve). ED ExomeDepth, qPCR quantitative polymerase chain reaction.