Table 1.
List of model assumptions
Model Features | Assumption | Reference |
LV’s geometry | Ellipsoidal | 11 |
LV’s passive properties | Anisotropic hyperelastic and incompressible | 29 |
LV’s active properties | Modified Hill type | 30 |
LV’s boundary conditions | Zero mean translation and rotation | 72 |
Left atrium | Time varying elastance model | 73 |
Resistances and compliances of systemic circulation | Windkessel model | 72 |
Coronary tree geometry | Anatomically realistic tree reconstructed from morphometric measurements of a swine LCX | 44 |
Coronary vessel passive properties | Sigmoidal shape of pressure versus diameter; Tethering of vessels to myocardium | 52 |
Outflow pressure boundary condition | Transmural depth dependent | 1 |
Target precapillary flow rate | Constant value in all terminal order 1 vessels. Flow rate is estimated from microvascular velocity under maximum dilation | 76 |
Transmural precapillary density | Subendocardium is higher than in the subepicardium | 41 |
LCX, left circumflex; LV, left ventricle.