Table A2.
Parameter | Value | Units |
Cart – Arterial compliance | 0.0125 | mL/Pa |
Cven – Venous compliance | 0.3 | mL/Pa |
Vart0 – Resting volume of artery | 680.0 | mL |
Vven0 – Resting volume of vein | 3,300.0 | mL |
Raor – Aortic valve resistance | 2.0 | kPa·ms−1·mL−1 |
Rven – Venous network resistance | 2.0 | kPa·ms−1·mL−1 |
Rmv – Mitral valve resistance | 2.0 | kPa·ms−1·mL−1 |
Rper – Peripheral network resistance | 200 | kPa·ms−1·mL−1 |
Vven – Venous network volume | 3,700 | mL |
Vart – Arterial network volume | 740 | mL |
VLA – LA volume | 12 | mL |
Ees,LA – Endo systolic elastance of LA | 60.0 | Pa/mL |
ALA – Scaling factor of EDPVR | 58.67 | Pa |
BLA – Exponent of EDPVR | 0.049 | mL |
V0,LA – Volume axis intercept | 10.0 | mL |
tmax,LA – Time to end-systole | 120 | ms |
τLA − Time constant of relaxation | 25 | ms |
LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.