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. 2020 Jun 5;54(2):164–174. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2020.05.016

Table 2.

Commercial rRT-PCR test kits for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Assay name Company (country) Targeted genes Specimen types TAT/test Approval Reference
Tests only for SARS-CoV-2
Allplex™ 2019-nCoV Assay Seegene (Korea) RdRp, N, E NPS, NPA, OPS, sputum, BAL 3–4 h Korea (Korea CDC)
LightMix® Modular Wuhan CoV RdRP-gene Roche/Tib Molbiol (Switzerland/Germany) RdRp NPS, NPA TA, BAL 3–4 h No (RUO) 19
Cobas® SARS-CoV-2 Test Roche (Switzerland) ORF-1a, E NPS, OPS 3–4 h US FDA- EUA
ePlex® SARS-CoV-2 Test GenMark Diagnostics, (USA) N, E NPS 3–4 h USA (EUA) 20
TaqPath COVID-19 Combo Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA) ORF-1ab, N, S NPS, NPA, BAL 3–4 h USA (EUA) 22
Real-Time Fluorescent RT-PCR kit for detecting 2019-nCoV BGI Biotechnology (China) Highly conserved region of 2019-nCoV genome NPS, serum, plasma 3–4 h China (NMPA)
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescence RT-PCR) Hangzhou Bigfish Bio-tech, Co. Ltd. (China) ORF-1ab, N NPS, sputum, BAL 3–4 h CE-IVD 25
Novel Coronavirus (2019 nCoV) RT PCR Dynamiker Biotechnology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (China) ORF-1ab, N, actin NPS, OPS, sputum, BAL, conjunctival swabs, serum, plasma, feces 3–4 h CE-IVD 27
ARGENE® SARS-COV-2 R-GENE® bioMérieux (France) RdRp, N, E NPS 3–4 h No (RUO) 26
Xpert® Xpress SARS-CoV-2 Cepheid (USA) N2, E NPS, nasal aspirate, nasal wash 45 min US FDA- EUA 28
BioFire® COVID-19 Test BioFire Defense, LLC ORF1ab, ORF8 NPS 45 min US FDA- EUA 29
CRISPR–Cas12-based assay Cepheid (USA) N, E NA NA NA 31
ID NOW COVID-19 assay Abbott (USA) RdRp NPS, OPS, nasal wash directly or eluted in viral transport media ≤13 min US FDA- EUA 32
Included in syndromic diagnosis multiplex PCR panel
QIAstat-Dx® Respiratory 2019-nCoV Panel (22 targets) QIAGEN (Netherlands) RdRp, E NPS <70 min US FDA- EUA
Biofire Filmarray RP-2.1 (22 targets) bioMérieux (France) RdRp, N, E NPS 60 min No 41

BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; CE-IVD, Conformité Européenne in vitro diagnostic device; EUA, Emergency Use Authorization; KCDC, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; NA, not available; NMPA, National Medical Products Administration; NPA, nasopharyngeal aspirate; NPS, nasopharyngeal swab; OPS, oropharyngeal swab; RUO, research use only; TA, tracheal aspirates, US FDA, Food and Drug Administration of the United States.

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