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[Preprint]. 2020 Jun 9:2020.05.04.20090092. [Version 4] doi: 10.1101/2020.05.04.20090092

Figure 4. R0 subcomponents have different parameter architecture.

Figure 4.

We compare the parameter architecture for the two R0 components that compose the full R0 expression, (a) Rp, (b) Re2 and (c) R0. Parameters are colored according to their relation with the environment or people: green parameters refer to the environment, blue parameters strictly refer to people, and black parameters are neutral in this regard. Black bars show the extent to which the component after changed when the parameter values are increased by 4.5%, The white bars show the same except for a decrease of 4.5%. For clarity, the single parameter that most influences the R0 and its subcomponents is the faction of cases that move through the mild route (p) has been removed. For more details on how this parameter influences the R0 and other features of the outbreak, see the PRCC analysis as discussed in the Methods and Supplemental Information.