Persistent AF in a 74-year-old man with termination to atrial tachycardia. (A) WFF and corresponding unipolar electrograms in right and LA, prior to ablation. WFF in RA shows an organized blue ellipse, where unipolar electrograms show sequential activation. WFF in LA shows two less organized areas (red and white ellipses). Ablation in the centre of the right atrial (blue) ellipse did not terminate AF. (B) WFF remapping of RA shows loss of organized blue ellipse and disorganized electrograms. WFF remapping of LA shows enlargement of organized areas, with 1:1 electrograms in each ellipse (red and white) at different cycle lengths. Ablation within the red ellipse terminated AF to atrial tachycardia. (C) WFF remapping of LA shows full control by the white area with 1:1 activation of electrograms and cycle length 218 ms. This atrial tachycardia was successfully ablated. AF, atrial fibrillation; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; WFF, wavefront field.