Effects of foliar compound amino acid-Fe fertilizer spraying on leaf development in “Xiacui” peach trees. (a) Photos to show the phenotype leaves at different developmental stages sprayed with distilled water (control) and compound amino acid-Fe fertilizer. (b, c) Fresh and dry weights of leaves in (a) were statistically analyzed. (d) Leaf vertical length and transverse length assays. Leaf samples were collected on March 15th (S1), before the spraying treatment, April 10th (S2), July 10th (S3), October 15th (S4), and November 15th (S5), in 2018. Each tree was sprayed with two liters of compound fertilizer on March 15th, April 11th, and July 11th, respectively, or 2 liters of distilled water (control). The fifth leaf from the apex on one-year-old fruiting branches was collected on April 10th (S2), July 10th (S3), and October 15th (S4), respectively. Data are the means of values (n = 3) obtained from three independent sampling replicates ± SE.