Behavioral Analyses of Mice Receiving Intranasal p75NTR
Pen-siRNA or Control Pen-siRNA. (A) Outline of the
experimental paradigm of CCI injury and behavioral
testing. Control and p75NTR Pen-siRNA were infused
intranasally to each nostril every 2 min for a total of 20
µl immediately after CCI. (B) Composite mNSS scores for
naive, sham-treated, control Pen-siRNA-treated, or p75NTR
Pen-siRNA-treated mice evaluated 2 days following the
injury. (C) Hang test measured in time (seconds) 2 days
following the injury. (D) Average foot slips per run on
horizontal ladder with irregularly placed rugs evaluated 3
days following the injury. (E) Average foot slips per run
on 1.0-cm wide balance beam evaluated 3 days following the
injury. Data were collected across 7 to 9 animals per
group; *p < .05,
**p < .001,
***p < .0001 for groups compared with
control Pen-siRNA-treated mice;
#p < .05,
##p < .001,
###p < .0001 for groups compared with
naive mice using analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s
multiple comparisons test for parametric values and
Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison
test for nonparametric values.
CCI = controlled cortical impact; CsiR = control siRNA;
siRp75 = p75NTR siRNA; CL= contralateral; IP = ipsilateral
to the injury.