Fig 2. Modulation of GDF15 mediated protection from TRAMP tumor growth.
(a) All mice were injected twice weekly with anti-CD8-α monoclonal antibody or isotype matched anti KLH antibody starting one day before tumor cell implantation. TRAMPMIC-/- primary prostate tumor cells were engrafted orthotopically into WT and MIC-1fms mice and 35 days later mice were sacrificed and the tumors dissected and weighed. Results are presented as mean tumor weight ± s.e.m. (b) WT mice were engrafted orthotopically with TRAMPMIC-/- tumor cells. Three days later mice were infused with recombinant muGDF15 (0.5 ug/g BW/day) or vehicle via 28-day mini-osmotic pump and also given twice-weekly intraperitoneal injections of anti-PD1 monoclonal antibody (250 ug/mouse) or isotype control antibody. After 28 days mice were sacrificed and prostate tumors were excised and weighed. The graph represents compiled data from two experiments. Results are presented as mean tumor weight ± s.e.m. All tumor weight data was analyzed using unpaired 2-tailed t test and the p value are shown on the graphs.