Figure 6. Insights into the OAD reaction cycle.
(a) Sodium binding to the StOAD βγ sub-complex is affected by pH. The dissociation constants (Kd(Na+)) derived from ITC experiments at different pH is plotted against the proton concentration. Error bars represent errors derived from fitting the ITC data to the one set of sites model. The solid lines indicate data fitting with the competitive binding model. The y- and x-axis intercepts of the lines indicate the values for the absolute dissociation constants for sodium and proton (KD(Na+) and KD(H+)), respectively. (b) A model of the OAD-catalyzed sodium transport. Components in the β subunit are colored as in Figure 1. For simplicity, only one β subunit is shown and its domain E is omitted. The gray bars indicate the membrane bilayer. The letter ‘D’ indicates the direct proton donor for carboxyl-biotin decarboxylation.