Figure 2. Sex-specific silencing and expression of repeats during aging.
A. Expression of all repeats from FlyBase consensus library from Release 6 of the D. melanogaster genome in young (8day) and old (~68day) male and female Canton-S, averaged across replicates, with significance values calculated using the Wilcoxon test (* p< 0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<1e-5). Heatmaps are visualized globally according to the scale, with dark red corresponding to the top 5% of all values across all samples and dark blue corresponding to the bottom 5% of all values across all samples. B. H3K9me2 enrichment in repeats from FlyBase consensus library in young (8day) and old (64 or 68day) male and female Canton-S, averaged across replicates, with significance values calculated using the Wilcoxon test (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<1e-5). The heatmap is scaled in the same manner as in (A.). C. Expression for repeat families for old and young males and females, with lines indicating the standard deviation for each estimate of expression across replicates and colors indicating the class of repetitive element. D. Expression and H3K9me2 signal in putatively Y-linked repeats in young (8day) and old (64 or 68day) Canton-S males, with significance values calculated using the Wilcoxon test (* p<0.01, ** p<1e-4, *** p<1e-10). Heatmaps are scaled in the same manner as in (A). E. Expression of putatively Y-linked repeats for old and young Canton-S males, with lines indicating the standard deviation for each estimate of expression across replicates. Boxes represent 25th and 75th percentile, and whiskers show the most extreme values within 1.5x the inter-quartile range.