Simulated plasma exposures for remdesivir (area under the plasma concentration time
curve from time 0 to infinity) in children and adults for the proposed dosing
algorithm. Exposures representative of loading dose administration. Age
classifications are based on postnatal age and are defined as follows: neonate (0 to
<30 days), young infant (1 to <6 months), infant (6 to <24 months), young
child (2 to <6 years), child (6 to <12 years), adolescent (12-18 years), and
adult (20-50 years). Horizontal lines of the box correspond to the first quartile,
median, and third quartiles. Upper whiskers extend from the third quartile to the
largest observation to a maximum length of 1.5 times the interquartile range (ie,
third quartile to first quartile). Lower whiskers extend from the first quartile to
the lowest observation to a maximum length of 1.5 times the interquartile range (ie,
third quartile to first quartile).