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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Jun 4.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell. 2020 May 4;78(5):835–849.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.04.010


Anti-BMAL1 (ChIP-Seq) J. Bass, Millipore ABE2599 (Perelis et al., 2015)
Anti-BMAL1 (WB) Santa Cruz sc-48790
Anti-HSF1 Cell Signaling 4356
Anti-H3 Cell Signaling 9715
Anti-H3K27Ac Active Motif 39133
Anti-H3K9Ac Active Motif 39137
Anti-β-ACTIN Cell Signaling 4970
Anti-GAPDH Cell Signaling 5174
Anti-p-PER2-S659 Thermo Fisher PA5-38901
Anti-PER2 C. Lee (Florida State University)
Anti-PER1 Abcam ab136451
Anti-CRY2 Alpha Diagnostic CRY21-A
Anti-CRY1 Bethyl A302-614A
Anti-FLAG-HRP Sigma F1804-50UG
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
Tamoxifen Sigma T5648-1G
Corn Oil Sigma C8267-500ML
Trypsin Fisher Scientific 25300054
Dexamethasone Sigma D4902-100MG
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) Oriental Yeast Company 44500900-1g
PBS Mediatech 21-040-CM
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) Chromadex N001
Perchloric acid Sigma 244252-100ML
K2CO3 Sigma 367877-10G
Trizol Reagent Molecular Research Center TR118
Disuccinimidyl glutarate Proteochem C1104-1 gram
DMSO Sigma D8418-100ML
Formaldehyde Polysciences 18814
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Fischer Scientific BP35-10
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) Lonza 51234
Trizma® hydrochloride solution Millipore-Sigma T2319-1L
NP-40 Sigma NP40s
SDS Sigma L3771-ikg
Triton X-100 Sigma X100-100ML
MgCl2 Sigma M8266
IGEPAL Sigma I8896-50ML
Tween-20 Sigma P1754-500ML
Digitonin Sigma D141-100MG
Nextera transposase enzyme Illumina 15027865
Nextera TD buffer Illumina 15027865
FK866 Sigma F8557-25MG
EX527 Tocris 2780
HEPES Gibco 15630080
NE-PER kit ThermoFisher 78835
B27 Supplement Invitrogen 17504-001
Trichostatin A Sigma T8552-1MG
Nicotinamide Sigma N3501-100MG
Ammonium bicarbonate ThermoFisher A643500
Acetonitrile ThermoFisher A955500
Dithiothreitol Thermo Fisher R0861
Ambic/iodoacetamide Sigma I1149-5G
Formic acid ThermoFisher P128905
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) Gibco MT10013CV
Sodium bicarbonate Sigma S5761-500G
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Atlanta Biological S11550
Penicillin-Streptomycin Gibco 15140122
Luciferin sodium salt Biosynth AG L8220
Cycloheximide Sigma 239764-1GM
Protease inhibitor cocktail, Complete mini Roche Applied Science 11836170001
Phosphatase inhibitor cocktail, phoSTOP Roche Applied Science 04906845001
Anti-FLAG conjugated paramagnetic beads Sigma M8823-1ML
L-Glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific 25030081
Sucrose Sigma S7903-1KG
KH2PO4 Sigma P3786-100g
Palmitoyl-carnitine Sigma P1645-5MG
Oligomycin Sigma O4876-5MG
FCCP Sigma C2920-10MG
Antimycin A Sigma A8674-25MG
Mannitol Sigma M9546-250G
EGTA Bostonbioproducts BM-151
Fatty acid-free BSA Sigma A7511-5G
Critical Commercial Assays
Zymo Direct-Zol RNA miniprep kit Zymo Research R2051
NEBNext RNA Ultra Directional Library Preparation Kit New England Biolabs E7420S
NEBNext Library Quant Kit New England Biolabs E7630S
NEBNext Ultra II Library Prep Kit New England Biolabs E7645S
Q5 site directed mutagenesis kit New England Biolabs E0552S
MinElute columns Qiagen 28006
Software and Algorithms
Bowtie (v2.2.4) (Langmead et al., 2009)
subread:featureCounts (v1.5.1). (Liao et al., 2014)
STAR (v2.5.2) (Dobin et al., 2013)
DESeq2 (v1.24.0) (Love et al., 2014)
eJTK_Cycle (v3.1.R). (Hutchison et al., 2015)
ClockLab Data Collection and Analysis System (v6.0)
R Package ATACSeqQC (Ou et al., 2018)
HOMER (v4.10) (Heinz et al., 2010)
Xcalibur (v4.0)
Mascot search engine (v2.5.1). Matrix Science, London, UK
MS/MS spectra scaffold (v4.8.3) Proteome Software, Portland, OR
Deposited Data
RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq NCBI GEO GSE133989
Experimental Models (Cells)
Per2::Luciferase MEFs J. Takahashi (UT Southwestern)
Sirt1−/− MEFs J. Bass Lab Harvested from Sirt1fx/fx mice treated with 3 rounds Adeno-Cre (Vector Biolabs)
HEK293 cells Clontech
Experimental Models (Mice)
C57BL/6CR (4 mo, 16 mo) Charles River, NIA Colony
Bmal1−/− J. Takahashi (UT Southwestern)
Per2::Luciferase J. Takahashi (UT Southwestern)
Namptfx/fx S. Imai (Washington University)
Sirt1fx/fx S. Imai (Washington University)
Alb-Cre Jackson Laboratories
CAGCre-ER Jackson Laboratories
Recombinant DNA
shRNA targeting p19ARF Addgene 14090
pCMV-SPORT2-PER2 Addgene 16204