Fig. 5.
(a) Stomatal length, (b) stomatal width, (c) pore length, (d) pore width, (e) stomatal area and (f) stomatal density in the first fully expanded leaves of tomato ‘OB’ and ‘LA2093’ from the top. ‘a [CO2]’, 400 ppm [CO2] + 25/20 °C + irrigation; a [CO2] + combined stress’, 400 ppm [CO2] + 35/30 °C + no irrigation; ‘e [CO2]’, 800 ppm [CO2] + 25/20 °C + irrigation; e [CO2] + combined stress’, 800 ppm [CO2] + 35/30 °C + no irrigation. The stress treatments lasted for 20 h. The data represent average values ± SD (n = 4). Different small letters showed significant differences (P < 0.05)