I-a, b, c) Three liver metastatic lesions (S6: size 35 mm, S7: size 23 mm, S3: size 13 mm). In addition, suspected tumor progression is seen along Glisson 6 (red arrow).
I-d) Small LN detected in the hepatoduodenal ligament.
II-a, b, c) In addition to the previous three liver metastatic lesions, one more metastasis is detected in S3. Furthermore, suspected tumor progression along Glisson 6 has become more evident (red arrow).
II-d) LN in the hepatoduodenal ligament have increased in size when compared to the CT before chemotherapy.
III-a, b, c, d) DWI-MRI displayed high intensity signals consistent with liver metastatic lesions. However, no signal intensity has been detected in the hepatoduodenal LN.
IV-a, b, c) DWI-MRI shows high intensity in not only all the liver metastatic lesions including the new S3 metastasis, but also in Glisson 6 and the hepatoduodenal LN (yellow arrow).
V-a, b, c, d) PET revealing high intensity signal consistent with all the liver metastatic lesions and Glisson 6, but not in the hepatoduodenal LN.
VI-a, b, c, d) PET shows high intensity signals not only in all the liver metastatic lesions, but also Glisson 6 and the hepatoduodenal LN.