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. 2020 May 18;10(5):783. doi: 10.3390/biom10050783
RNA ribonucleic acid
bp base pair
nt nucleotide
rRNA ribosomal RNA
mRNA messenger RNA
snoRNP small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein
snoRNA small nucleolar RNA
snRNA small nuclear RNA
G guanosine
C cytosine
A adenosine
T thymidine
U uridine
Ψ pseudouridine
2′Ome 2′-O-methyl
RMRP RNA component of mitochondrial RNA processing endonuclease
TERC telomerase, RNA component
SNU13 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 13
NOP58 nucleolar protein 58
NOP56 nucleolar protein 56
FBL fibrillarin
CRISPR clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
NHP2 non-histone Protein 2
NOP10 nucleolar Protein 10
Gar1 glycine/arginine rich-domain containing protein 1
DKC1 dyskerin
Cbf5 centromere binding factor 5
TBF1 TTAGGG repeat-binding factor 1
Rap1 repressor/activator site binding protein 1
NME1 nuclear mitochondrial processing endoribonuclease
RNase ribonuclease
TGS1 trimethylguanosine synthetase 1
RPS3 ribosomal protein small subunit 3
RPL7A ribosomal protein large subunit 7A
RPL13A ribosomal protein large subunit 13A
GAS5 growth arrest specific 5
mTOR mammalian target of rapamycin
HSP90 heat shock protein 90
R2TP Rvb1, Rvb2, Tah1, Pih1 complex
Rvb1 RuvB-like protein 1
Rvb2 RuvB-like protein 2
Tah1 TPR repeat-containing protein associated with Hsp90
Pih1 protein interacting with Hsp90 1
RUVBL1 RuvB-like AAA ATPase 1
RUVBL2 RuvB-like AAA ATPase 2
RPAP3 RNA polymerase II associated protein 3
RIH1D1 PIH1 domain containing 1
snR10 snoRNA 10
snR30 snoRNA 30
Sbp1 suppressor of PaB mutant 1
SSU small subunit
DNase deoxyribonuclease
hU3-55K human U3 component, 55 kDa
Rrp9 ribosomal RNA processing enzyme 9
cDNA complementary DNA
CRAC crosslinking and high-throughput analysis of cDNAs
Sof1 suppressor of fibrillarin 1
Mpp10 M-phase phosphoprotein 10
MDa megadalton
rDNA ribosomal DNA
U3 uridine-rich RNA 3
ETS external transcribed spacer
ITS internal transcribed spacer
S Svedberg units
MRP mitochondrial RNA processing enzyme
Cas9 CRISPR-associated protein 9
UTR untranslated region
KRE33/RRA1 killer toxin resistant 33/ribosomal RNA cytosine acetyltransferase 1
NAT10 N-Acetyltransferase 10
MEF mouse embryonic fibroblast
KRAS kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
RAS rat sarcoma
EM electron microscopy
tiRNA tRNA-derived stress-induced RNA
tRF tRNA fragment
YB-1 Y-box protein 1
CMCT N-Cyclohexyl-N′-(2′morholinoethyl)carbodiimide metho-p-toluenesulfonate
HCT116 human colon cancer 116