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. 2020 May 19;17(10):3537. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17103537

Table 2.

Univariate logistic regression.

Independent Variables OR 95% CI p-Value
  Male 1.00
  Female 0.639 0.270–1.512 0.286
  African 1.00
  White 0.258 0.099–0.675 0.009
  Coloured 1.967 0.903–4.284 0.084
  16–17 1.00
  18–19 2.316 0.503–10.668 0.261
  20–25 2.611 0.485–14.046 0.244
Marital Status
  Never married 1.00
  Marital status other 0.486 0.218–1.084 0.074
Personal Income
  Low 1.00
   Middle/High 0.754 0.191–2.972 0.667
  Primary 1.00
  Secondary 0.079 0.014–0.446 0.007
  Tertiary 0.265 0.029–2.421 0.221
Socioeconomic Status (SES)
  Low SES 1.00
  Middle SES 0.533 0.176–1.619 0.248
  High SES 0.477 0.127–1.790 0.252
Primary Drinking Location
  Home 1.00
  Someone Else’s Home 2.548 0.892–7.281 0.077
   Nightclub 5.396 1.570–18.541 0.011
  Outdoors 0.219 0.057–0.841 0.029
  Pub 2.604 0.881–7.692 0.080
  Other locations 2.057 0.840–5.036 0.107
Drinking Pattern
  Daily use 1.00
  Weekly use 0.398 0.075–2.116 0.260
  Less than weekly 0.100 0.020–0.503 0.008
Consumption Variables
Primary Drink
  Beer 1.00
  Wine 0.620 0.173–2.227 0.440
  Spirits 0.320 0.089–1.152 0.078
  Cider 0.357 0.155–0.822 0.019
  Other drinks 0.124 0.029–0.535 0.008
Container size
  Below Average 0.139 0.014–1.373 0.086
  Average 1.00
  Above Average 5.224 2.212–12.339 0.001
Purchasing practices—on-premise typical spending
  R0–R99 1.00
  R100–R199 8.013 1.412–45.484 0.022
  R200+ 4.235 0.454–39.474 0.187
Purchasing practices—off-premise typical spending
  R0–R249 1.00
  R250– R499 0.753 0.172–3.301 0.686
  R500+ 0.336 0.034–3.315 0.324
Rapid Alcohol Problems Screen 4 (RAPS4)
  0 1.00
  ±1 1.725 0.806–3.689 0.148
Life Satisfaction
  Completely dissatisfied 1.00
  Completely satisfied 0.682 0.281–1.656 0.374
Perceptions on the Likelihood That a Drunk Person Be Served Alcohol at Specific Locations in the Past 6 Months
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 2.06 1.01–4.20 0.048
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 1.57 0.89–2.77 0.113
Sports club
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 2.14 0.99–4.66 0.054
Friend’s home
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 1.95 0.94–4.03 0.070
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 1.06 0.54–2.08 0.860
Perceptions on Liqour Bans
Likelihood of being caught by the police when drinking in a liquor-ban area
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 1.13 0.58–2.19 0.709
Likelihood of a drink driver caught by the police
  Not at all likely 1.00 - -
  Very likely 1.35 0.57–3.19 0.467
Alcohol Affordability and Availability
How Affordable is alcohol to you currently?
  Unaffordable 1.00 - -
  Affordable 1.00 0.50–1.99 0.995
How Available is alcohol to you currently?
  Unavailable 1.00 - -
  Available 2.09 0.91–4.80 0.077
Does the price of alcohol influence the types of beverages purchased
  Not at all 1.00 - -
  A great deal 1.06 0.51–2.18 0.868
Does the price of alcohol influence the quantity of alcohol purchased
  Not at all 1.00 - -
  A great deal 1.00 0.44–2.31 0.994
Policy Support
Support for a purchase age of 21 years
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 1.10 0.55–2.19 0.781
Support for restrictions on numbers of outlets in the community
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.75 0.31–1.82 0.505
Support for earlier closing times for bars/nightclubs
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.42 0.21–0.82 0.014
Support for earlier closing times for hotels
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 1.31 0.75–2.28 0.321
Support for earlier closing times for bottle stores and supermarkets
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.53 0.25–1.13 0.095
Support for the increase in the price of alcohol
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.41 0.21–0.80 0.012
Support for restrictions on alcohol marketing/advertising
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.52 0.24–1.12 0.088
Support for restrictions on lowering breath alcohol limit
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 1.85 0.98–3.50 0.057
Support for more random breath testing
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 1.06 0.36–3.08 0.914
Support for an increase in alcohol taxes to pay for alcohol treatment
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.46 0.23–0.90 0.027
Support for an increase in alcohol taxes to lower other taxes
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 1.00 0.53–1.89 0.992
Support for an increase in alcohol taxes for government purposes
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.72 0.37–1.40 0.304
Support for taxing drinkers to pay for the cost for harm to society
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 0.70 0.38–1.29 0.232
In the past 6 months have you received help to reduce level of drinking
  Yes 1.00 - -
  No 2.21 0.53–9.19 0.255
What proportion of people drink alcohol?
  Most people drink 1.00 - -
  Some people drink 0.28 0.11–0.71 0.010
  A few people drink 0.58 0.18–1.93 0.353

* significant p-values are reported in bold script.