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. 2020 May 25;10(5):809. doi: 10.3390/biom10050809

Table 1.

Randomized controlled trials with trehalose treatment on ocular surface.

Reference Clinical Condition (Level of Evidence1) Trehalose and Other Ingredients,
Number of Patients
Control Treatment,
Number of Patients
Dosing Regimen Main Findings for Trehalose Factors of Possible Influence
Dry Eye
Matsuo et al. 2002 [55] Moderate to severe dry eye (level 2) 100 mM (3.4%),2 n = 18
200 mM (6.8%), n = 16
Saline, n = 18
Saline, n = 16
6 times/day for 4 weeks in randomized eyes Increased TBUT (100 mM only), decreased staining scores.
No improvement in dry eye symptom score.
No adverse effects.
Eye drop osmolality 1.3 and 1.8 times higher than control (hyperosmolar)
Autoimmune patients.
Matsuo et al. 2004 [56] Moderate to severe dry eye (level 2) 100 mM (3.4%),2 n = 33
200 mM (6.8%), n = 3 (continuation from Matsuo et al. 2002 trial [55])
0.1% HA (Hyalein), weeks 1–4, n = 18
Hydroxyethyl cellulose (Mytear), weeks 5–8, n = 18
4 times/day for 4 weeks in both eyes in randomized cross-over design Increased TBUT, decreased staining scores.
No improvement in dry eye symptom score at 4 weeks but improved at 8 weeks.
No adverse effects.
Eye drop osmolality 1.3 and 1.8 times higher than control (hyperosmolar)
Mostly Sjögren syndrome patients.
Pinto-Bonilla et al. 2015 [57] Moderate to severe dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA (Thealoz® Duo), n = 17 Hydroxypropyl guar + polyethylene glycol + propylene glycol, preservative (Systane®), n = 17 5 times/day for 7 days in both eyes in randomized cross-over design Improved global satisfaction, dry eye symptoms and their impact at work.
Improved OSDI and staining scores with no significant difference to control.
No adverse effects.
Open-label (no masking).
Short duration.
Chiambaretta et al. 2017 [58] Moderate to severe dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA (Thealoz® Duo), n = 52 (46 per protocol) 0.18% HA (Vismed®), n = 53 (45 per protocol) 3–6 times/day for 84 days in both eyes Improved Oxford grading score at 35 days (per-protocol dataset).
Improved subjective (patient, investigator) evaluation scores.
Improved TBUT, Schirmer, van Bijsterveld, and conjunctival hyperaemia score with no significant difference to control.
No difference in global tolerability.
No masking of patients.
Doan et al. 2018 [59] Moderate to severe dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA (Thealoz® Duo), n = 52 0.18% HA (Vismed®), n = 53 3–6 times/day for 84 days in both eyes Improved OSDI at 84 days. A post hoc analysis of Chiambaretta et al. 2017 [58]
No masking of patients.
Fondi et al. 2018 [60] Moderate to severe dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA + 0.25% carbomer + sorbitol (Thealoz® Duo Gel), n = 45 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA (Thealoz® Duo) and 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA + 0.25% carbomer + sorbitol (Thealoz® Duo Gel), n = 45 Daytime: as frequently as needed
Night-time: Thealoz® Duo Gel
Improved TBUT, staining scores and quality of sleep with no significant difference between groups.
No improvement in Schirmer I.
Reduced frequency of instillations for Thealoz® Duo Gel.
No adverse effects.
Screening data incompletely reported.
No masking of patients.
Short duration.
Panigrahi et al. 2019 [43] Moderate or severe dry eye symptoms and mild signs (level 2) 3% trehalose + 0.1% HA, preservative (TrehalubeTM), n = 9 0.5% CMC, preservative (Lubrex®), n = 9 2 times/day for 30 days in randomized contralateral eyes Improved OSDI with no significant difference between groups.
Improved TBUT.
No improvement in Schirmer 1 or 2.
Reduced tear fluid MMP-9, MMP-2, MCP-1, and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio.
No masking of investigators.
OSDI measured separately for contralateral eyes.
Laihia et al. 2019 [61] Moderate or severe dry eye (level 1) 2% trehalose + 0.1% sacha inchi seed oil + 0.2% HA + glycerol, n = 26 0.2% HA, n = 26 3 times/day for 30 days Improved ocular protection index (TBUT/interblink interval).
Improved TBUT, staining and redness scores, hyperosmolarity and OSDI with no significant difference to control.
No adverse device effects.
Other active agents used with trehalose.
Downie et al. 2019 [62] Mild to severe dry eye (level 1) 1.5% trehalose3 + flaxseed oil + CMC + glycerol + castor oil + levocarnitine + erythritol (Refresh Optive® MEGA-3), n = 120 CMC + glycerol + castor oil + L-carnitine + erythritol (Refresh Optive® Advanced), n = 122 ≥ 2 times/day for 90 days Improved combined ocular staining score (days 7, 30, 60, and 90), corneal staining (day 90) and conjunctival staining (day 30).
Improved burning/stinging (day 60).
Improved OSDI, TBUT and staining scores with no significant difference to control.
Conjunctival hyperemia (1.7%), instillation site pruritus (1.7%).
Patients with OSDI score > 65 were excluded.
Effects of trehalose and flaxseed oil cannot be distinguished.
Ocular Surgery
Mateo Orobia et al. 2017 [63] LASIK post-treatment (level 1) 3% trehalose (Thealoz®) and 0.15% HA (Hyabak®), n = 7 0.15% HA (Hyabak®), n = 6 Thealoz® 4 times/day + Hyabak® 5 min later in both eyes
Hyabak control: every 2 h for 10 days, 6 times/day for 3 months in both eyes
Improved SANDE severity and frequency scores.
Improved staining scores at 30 and 90 days.
No improvement in osmolarity, TBUT, visual acuity, and OSDI.
Small number of patients with 12/13 males.
No masking of patients.
Caretti et al. 2019 [64] Cataract surgery and mild to severe dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA + 0.25% carbomer + sorbitol (Thealoz® Duo Gel), n = 30 0.15% HA (Hyabak®), n = 30 2 times/day for 1 month in operated eye Improved TBUT, OSDI and patients’ global satisfaction score.
Improved staining scores and visual acuity with no significant difference to control.
No improvement in Schirmer.
Vagge et al. 2019 [65] Strabismus surgery (level 2) Chloramphenicol/betamethasone and 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA + 0.25% carbomer + sorbitol (Thealoz® Duo Gel), n = 31 Chloramphenicol/betamethasone 3 times/day for 4 weeks Improved blurred vision at 1 and 4 weeks, other symptoms at 1 week.
Improved conjunctival redness with no significant difference to control.
Open-label (no masking).
Numerical rating of symptoms assessed separately for contralateral eyes.
Tear Film Dynamics
Schmidl et al. 2015 [66] Mild or moderate dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA (Thealoz® Duo), n = 20 0.15% HA (Hyabak®), n = 20
Saline (Hydrabak®), n = 20
1 drop in one eye Increased TFT at 10–240 min.
No improvement in TBUT and Schirmer I at 240 min.
No adverse effects.
Custom-built OCT system.
One dose only.
Wozniak et al. 2017 [67] Moderate or severe dry eye (level 1) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA + 0.25% carbomer + sorbitol (Thealoz® Duo Gel) n = 20 0.4% polyethylene glycol + 0.3% propylene glycol + hydroxypropyl guar + sorbitol (Systane® Gel), n = 20
0.2% HA + sorbitol (Hylo®-Gel), n = 20
1 drop in both eyes TFT increase (+66%) lower than with Systane® Gel (+156%) but higher than with Hylo®-Gel (+33%) control at 10-min peak.
Increased TFT (less than +20%) at 60 and 120 min.
Increased TBUT in all groups at 360 min
No increase in Schirmer I at 360 min.
Same OCT system as in Schmidl et al. 2015 [66] but with higher baseline values.
One dose only.
Karaca et al. 2019 [68] Mild or moderate dry eye (level 2) 3% trehalose + 0.15% HA + 0.25% carbomer + sorbitol (Thealoz® Duo Gel), n = 56 0.3% HA (Vismed® Gel), n = 66 1 drop in one eye Lower TMH and TMD for 10–120 min.
Lower patient satisfaction at 240 min.
No improvement in TBUT, tear osmolarity and Schirmer I at 240 min.
All patients were with primary Sjögren syndrome.
One dose only.

1 Ref. [54]; 2 Percentage calculated from molar concentration of anhydrous trehalose; 3 Concentration not disclosed in publication; derived from US patent 10,279,005 B2 [69].