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. 2020 May 13;10(5):297. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10050297

Table 1.

Detailed characteristics of adult patients with GSD type I included in the study (n = 14).

Number and Gender
Age at Diagnosis/
Current Age (m—Months, y—Years)
Diet Laboratory Results at 18 y Complications and Age of Appearance Metabolic Homeostasis at Present
1. M 12 m/46 y Followed 23.2 36/43 76.5 2190 544 7.8 HCA/KS/HT/HL/HU and gout;
since adolescence
(HL and HT)
2. F 6 m/19 y Followed 23.7 21/21 65 563 325 5.8 IBD/HT/Recurrent nose bleeding;
since childhood and adolescence
(HL and HT)
3. M 12 m/25 y Followed; Additional glucose intake (drinks) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4. F 5 m/24 y Followed 23.3 42/60 40 919 439 5.8 HT/HL/M;
Since adolescence and adulthood
(HL and HT)
5. F 3 y/43 y Followed 22.6 67/68 116 1470 342 9.3 M/HCA/HL/HU;
Since adolescence and adulthood
6. F 6 m/35 y Followed N/A N/A N/A >1000 N/A N/A HCA/HL/HT;
Since adolescence
Due to improvement in patient’s compliance the metabolic homeostasis is stable now/ HCA disappeared
7. M 4 y/43 y Followed 22.6 62/23 81 219 177 8.3 RH/HCA/HU;
Since adolescence
Born a healthy child
8. M 2 y/31 y Followed 22.3 70/42 116 723 307 8.2 SS/HU/HL;
Since childhood
Due to non-compliance
HL developed
9. M 1.5 y/31 y Followed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A IgA-N/HT/Neu (800/uL), Neupogen introduced since 13 y (AP before that)/
Since childhood
10. M 10 m/24 y Followed N/A 6/11 N/A 52 88 5.5 Neu (600/uL)/Recurrent mouth and gingival infections/Sensorineural hearing loss
(hearing aids)/HT/AP/
since childhood
11. F 6 y/27 y Followed 20 26/26 28 259 109 8 IBD/HT/HU/
Neu (1300/µL), Neupogen introduced since 10 y (AP before that)/
Since childhood
Recurrent IBD flares at adulthood
12. M 6 m/26 y Followed 17 7/13 139 170 78 5.3 IBD, HT/Arthritis/Neu (600/µL), Neupogen since 8 y. (AP before that)/
Since childhood
Recurrent IBD flares at adulthood, cannot walk due to arthritis, depression
13. F N/A
47 y
Followed N/A 8/22 30 193 167 6.7 Recurrent infections due to Neu, only AP, Neupogen has never been administered/
Since childhood
14. F 7 y/40 y Followed 39.6 29/27 8 36 65 6.9 KS/
since adolescence
gave birth to a healthy child

Abbreviations: BMI—body mass index; LA—lactate acid; TG—triglycerides; TC—total cholesterol; UA—uric acid; HCA—hepatocellular adenoma; IBD—inflammatory bowel disease; CS—cornstarch; Neu—neutropenia; N/A—not available; KS—kidney stones; HT—hypertension; HL—hyperlipidemia; HU—hyperuricemia; O—overweight; SS—short stature; M—menorrhagia; AP—antibiotic prophylaxis. Reference values: ALT < 45 U/L; AST < 35 U/L; LA 4.5–19.8 mg/dL; TG < 90 mg/dL; TC < 170 mg/dL; UA 3.4–7.0 mg/dL. Legend: GSD I diet: regular meals/diet without simple sugars/CS regularly during the day and at night; high-carbohydrates and low-fat diet: 60–70% calories from carbohydrates, 10–15% calories from protein, and the remaining calories from fats; high-protein diet: 2–3 g of protein/kg; moderate metabolic homeostasis: mild-moderate biochemical abnormalities, no severe organic complications.