Also see Figure S5 and Table S1. Error bars in all quantification panels, SEM. “n”, number of pancreata examined. “p” values in all quantifications are from type 2, 2-tailed t-test.
(A) Portion of Hsp-OE β-cells at several postnatal stages, monitored via eGFP expression. p-values are indicated.
(B) Mitotic activity of β-cells with (eGFP+ cells) or without Hsp-OE (eGFP− cells). P10 (B1) cells were assayed for Ki67, and P21 (B2) and P26 (B3) via BrdU incorporation (in water supply) between P19-P21 or P21-P26, respectively. Scale bar=20 μm. p-values are indicated.
(C-G) Expression of β-cell markers in P35 islets with Hsp-OE, quantified with ImageJ. E4 is a line scan (yellow thin line in E1, top-left to bottom-right), showing Glut2 intensity along the borders of OE (O) or non-OE (W) cells. p-values smaller than 0.05 are shown. White circles mark outlines of whole β-cells. Scale bars = 20 μm.