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. 2020 Jun 8;18:42. doi: 10.1186/s12960-020-00482-y

Table 2.

Midwife, live birth and late abortion and ratios in countries with all data in 2016

Country Midwives Live births Total abortions Late abortions Late abortions to live births Live births to midwife late abortions: midwife
Czech Republic 3904 112 663 20 409 935 0.008 28.86 0.24
Estonia 440 14 003 4323 97 0.007 31.83 0.22
Finland 2283 52 814 9665 397 0.008 23.13 0.17
France 22 761 783 640 168 519 6192 0.008 34.43 0.27
Germany 23 000 792 495 98 721 3850 0.005 34.46 0.17
Iceland 265 4034 1044 50 0.012 15.22 0.19
Italy 16 507 437 438 84 874 3366 0.008 26.50 0.20
Latvia 403 21 759 4366 265 0.012 53.99 0.66
Lithuania 921 30 623 4502 164 0.005 33.25 0.18
Netherlands 3778 172 520 30 144 5538 0.032 45.66 1.47
Norway 2943 58 890 12 733 546 0.009 20.01 0.19
Portugal 2548 87 126 15 959 543 0.006 34.19 0.21
Slovakia 1795 57 557 15 277 1500 0.026 32.07 0.84
Slovenia 779 20 345 3736 201 0.010 26.12 0.26
Spain 8531 410 583 93 131 5749 0.014 48.13 0.67
Sweden 7303 117 425 38 143 2431 0.021 16.08 0.33
Switzerland 2593 87 883 10 256 513 0.006 33.89 0.20
UK 31 317 774 835 202 469 17 497 0.023 24.74 0.56
Total 132 071 4 036 633 818 271 49 834