Fig. 1.
bQTLs, caQTLs, and clQTLs in pooled HCASMC lines. a Diagram showing the approaches for pooled TCF21 ChIPseq, ATACseq, Hi-C, and QTL calling. b Genome browser session showing the HCASMC pooled sequencing tracks, loops called from Hi-C, and their comparison with HiChIP in an individual line or non-SMC ChIA-PET. c Heatmaps show the chromosomal contacts on chr2 at a variety of magnifications and resolutions. ALL, all loops; AS, allele-specific loops. d Plots showing the regression results and pre-post frequency distributions for TCF21 binding, 5315 bQTLs, e chromatin accessibility, 8346 caQTLs, and f chromosomal looping, 7084 clQTLs