Questions | Answers |
Personal data | |
1. Age | Age in number |
2. Gender | Female/male |
3. Hometown | Province |
4. Current employment |
Unemployed/ Retiree/ Student/ I work in smart working at home/ I go to the work as usual/ I have currently suspended my job |
Anthropometrics | |
5. Weight | Weight in kg |
6. Height | Height in cm |
7. Is olive oil the main culinary fat used? | Yes/No |
8. Are ≥ 4 tablespoons of olive oil used each day? | Yes/No |
9. Are ≥ 2 servings (of 200 g each) of vegetables eaten each day? | Yes/No |
10. Are ≥ 3 servings of fruit (of 80 g each) eaten each day? | Yes/No |
11. Is < 1 serving (100-150 g) of red meat/hamburgers/other meat products eaten each day? | Yes/No |
12. Is < 1 serving (12 g) of butter, margarine or cream eaten each day? | Yes/No |
13. Is < 1 serving (330 ml) of sweet or sugar sweetened carbonated beverages consumed each day? | Yes/No |
14. Are ≥ 3 glasses (of 125 ml) of wine consumed each week? | Yes/No |
15. Are ≥ 3 servings (of 150 g) of legumes consumed each week? | Yes/No |
16. Are ≥ 3 servings of fish (100-150 g) or seafood (200 g) eaten each week? | Yes/No |
17. Is < 3 servings of commercial sweets/pastries eaten each week? | Yes/No |
18. Is ≥ 1 serving (of 30 g) of nuts consumed each week? | Yes/No |
19. Is chicken, turkey or rabbit routinely eaten instead of veal, pork, hamburger or sausage? | Yes/No |
20. Are pasta, vegetable or rice dishes flavoured with garlic, tomato, leek or onion eaten ≥ twice a week? | Yes/No |
Dietary habit | |
21. How many portions of pasta, rice or other cereals (spelled, barley, oats, quinoa) do you consume per day? (1 medium portion = 80 g) | None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions |
22. How many portions of bread do you consume per day? (1 medium portion = 80 g or 2 slices) | None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions |
23. How many portions of milk or yogurt do you consume per day? (1 serving = 150 ml in a cup or 125 g a jar) | None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions |
24. How many portions of cheese or dairy products do you consume per week? (1 portion of dairy product = 100 g; 1 portion of matured cheese = 50 g) | None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions |
25. How many eggs do you consume per week? | None/1 egg/2 eggs/4 eggs/> 4 eggs |
26. Did your lifestyle and eating habits changed during the COVID-19 pandemic period ? | No, they didn’t/yes, it get worse/yes, it improved |
27. During this period, which of these foods are you consuming MORE than before? | None/fruits/fresh vegetables/frozen vegetables/nuts/pasta and cereals/bread/homemade pizza/homemade pastries/industrial bakery products/sweets/ham and processed meat/dairy products/cheese/cow’s milk and yogurt/vegetable drinks/eggs/fish/frozen fish/canned fish/legumes/white meat/red meat/coffee, tea, herb tea/sugar or sweeteners/sugary and sparkling drinks/wine, beer/alcoholic drinks/snacks/seasoning sauces/other |
28. During this period, which of these foods are you consuming LESS than before? | None/fruits/fresh vegetables/frozen vegetables/nuts/pasta and cereals/bread/homemade pizza/homemade pastries/industrial bakery products/sweets/processed meat/dairy products/cheese/cow’s milk and yogurt/vegetable drinks/eggs/fish/frozen fish/canned fish/legumes/white meat/red meat/coffee, tea, herb tea/sugar or sweeteners/sugary and sparkling drinks/wine, beer/alcoholic drinks/snacks/seasoning sauces/other |
29. Did you change the number of daily meals, during this period? | No, it did’t/Yes, I skip 1 or more of the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)/Yes, I skip 1 or more of snacks between meals/Yes I added 1 or more of the main meals/Yes, I added 1 or more of the snacks between meals/Yes, I eat out of the meals |
30. How much water do you drink per day? | < 1 L/1 L–2 L/> 2 L |
31. Do you eat the leftover food? | Never/< 10%/10–30%/30–50%/> 50% of the time |
Lifestyle Habits Changes | |
32. Where do you buy your food and essentials during this period? | I do not go out for shopping/supermarket/grocery store/Local street market/farmer’s market/organic food shop/fairtrade market/other |
33. Did you smoke before COVID-19 pandemic period? (cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, electronic cigarette) | No/Yes, < 5 cigarettes/Yes, 5–10 cigarettes/Yes, > 10 cigarettes |
34. Do you currently smoke? | No/Yes, < 5 cigarettes/Yes, 5–10 cigarettes/Yes, > 10 cigarettes |
35. How many hours did you sleep before the COVID-19? | <7 h per night/7–9 h per night/> 9 h per night |
36. How many hours do you currently sleep? | <7 h per night/7–9 h per night/> 9 h per night |
37. Did you play sport before the COVID-19 emergency? | No/gym/run/swimming/soccer/volleyball/basket/crossfit/dance/yoga/aerobic fitness/martial arts/tennis/aerial gymnastics/other |
38. How many times did you play sport? | I didn’t practice any sport/1–2 times a week/3–4 times a week/> 5 times a week |
39. Are you currently playing sport at home? | No/weightless workout/weight training at home/tapis roulant/functional training/yoga/postural gymnastics/other |
40. How many times do you play sport at home? | I don’t practice any sport/1–2 times a week/3–4 times a week/> 5 times a week |
41. What is the time of the day when you are particularly hungry? | Before main meals/between main meals/After dinner |
42. Did your sense of hunger and satiety change during the period at home for the COVID19 emergency? | No/Yes, less appetite/Yes, more appetite |
43. Did you gain weight during the COVID-19? | No, my weight is stable; No, I think I lose weight/Yes, I think I gain not so much weight/Yes, I think I gain a lot of weight |