Table 3.
Main themes and subthemes discussed by focus group participants, the proportion of time dedicated to each theme and a brief, direct quote that highlights each theme.
Themes | % of Discussion | Direct Quotes |
Animal Factors | ||
Animal welfare/well-being | 16 | “You are removing the pain and suffering from that animal, so they don’t have to endure whatever it is that you’re euthanizing them for...” |
Health status/condition/disease | 15 | “[L]isten to what the animal is telling you...their state of physical health.” |
Improvement | 11 | “[C]ompromised to where she’s not going to improve, that’s when we’re going to decide to euthanize.” |
Herd impact | 2.1 | “By removing that animal from the group, you are adding back to the other animals.” |
Transport survivability | 1.2 | “We’re very conscious of not sending animals to slaughter that have a condition that would not allow them to survive the trip…” |
Productivity potential | 1.2 | “[I]f this animal is not going to perform to possibly your standards or the average in the herd.” |
Human Factors | ||
Emotions/psychology | 16 | “[I] know it’s the right thing, but it is a tough thing.” |
Human safety/food safety | 7.4 | “Safety for everybody involved.” |
Education/training | 5.4 | “[M]ake sure that we have our employees trained to do that correctly as well as properly euthanize that animal without causing her anymore suffering.” |
Public perception | 3.7 | “[V]isually to somebody that doesn’t understand what’s going on, it’s a PR issue and I would say that is a drawback.” |
Farm Operation Factors | ||
Financial/economical | 7.4 | “[I]f cull prices are up you’re obviously going to do more to try and get that animal into a state where it can be sold rather than be euthanized.” |
Protocols/procedures/ guidelines | 6.2 | “[B]eing able to do it ourselves on the farm, following our strict protocols that we’ve developed with our veterinarian…” |
Carcass disposal | 2.1 | “[D]isposal of the animal is always a problem and timely disposal too.” |
Equipment | 2.1 | “[W]hether you use a gun or a deadbolt, those tools, if not used correctly, can create a potentially unsafe environment…” |
Veterinarian recommendation | 2.1 | “If you think you’ve got a disease present and you need to delay so that the vet has time to test to figure out what disease you’re dealing with…” |
Time/labor/space | 1.7 | “[I]t’s also the time and effort herdsman and other people…that we work with have put time and effort into an animal if it’s a sick animal…” |