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. 2020 Apr 29;10(5):770. doi: 10.3390/ani10050770

Table A1.

Survey questions used to attain respondent and farm demographic information, including the response options provided for each question.

Q# Question Text Response Options
2.1 What is your age? Text box provided
2.2 What is your gender? Male
Prefer not to answer
2.3 Approximately how long have you worked with dairy cattle? Text box provided
2.4 What is your highest level of education? Some high school
High school diploma/GED
Associates degree/certificate
Bachelor’s degree
Graduate degree (e.g., MS, MBA, PhD)/
professional degree (e.g., DVM)
2.5 Approximately how many adult cows (lactating and dry) are on the facility where you currently work? Text box provided
2.6 Approximately how many heifers and calves are on the facility where you currently work? Text box provided
2.7 With which of the following cattle groups do you currently work?
(select all that apply)
Pre-weaned calves
Weaned heifers
Mature cows
2.8 Which of the following best describes your role on the dairy facility where you currently work? Farm owner
Farm manager
Animal caretaker/employee
Other, please specify: Text box provided
2.9 In the past 12 months, have any dairy cattle been euthanized on the facility where you currently work? Yes
If yes → Q2.10: Which groups of dairy cattle have you euthanized?
(select all that apply)
Dairy bulls or dairy yearling bulls
Dairy steers/beef
Pre-weaned calves (calves still on milk)
Weaned heifers
Adult cows
2.11 Who performs most euthanasia on the facility where you currently work? I do
Someone else (see Figure 1)
If someone else → Q2.12: If someone else performs most euthanasia,
what is this person’s role?
Farm owner
Farm manager
Animal caretaker employee
Renderer, how frequently does the renderer
come to this facility?: Text box provided
Other, please specify: Text box provided
2.14 Who makes most of the decisions on the facility to euthanize an animal? I do
Someone else (see Figure 2)
If someone else → Q2.15: If someone else makes most of the decisions to euthanize an animal, what is this person’s role? Farm owner
Farm manager
Animal caretaker /employee
Other, please specify: Text box provided
2.16 Do you have a written protocol for dairy cattle euthanasia on the facility where you currently work? Yes
If yes → Q2.17: Was the written euthanasia protocol developed in
consultation with the farm veterinarian?
2.18 In the past 12 months, how often was the farm veterinarian consulted before euthanizing dairy cattle (lactating dairy cows, dairy heifers, dairy calves) on the facility where you currently work? Always/every case
Often/most cases
Sometimes/a few cases
Never/no cases