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. 2020 May 11;10(5):831. doi: 10.3390/ani10050831

Table 1.

Effect of ensiling on nutritional composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility and total polyphenols content in broccoli by-product (BB), artichoke by-product (AB) and artichoke plant stubble (APS) silages.

Silage Days of Ensiling SEM p-Value
0 4 7 10 15 30 60 200
Dry matter (g/kg)
BB 174bc 184ab 172bc 197ab 173bc 142d 181ab 154cd 6.79 ***
AB 256a 220b 203bcd 201bcd 207bc 183d 192cd 190cd 8.66 ***
APS 283abc 291abc 273cd 286abc 268d 277bcd 271cd 258e 4.21 ***
Organic matter (g/kg DM)
BB 849a 840a 826b 828b 821b 3.5 ***
AB 912 927 912 912 916 9.4 n.s.
APS 839b 849a 837b 833bc 828c 2.3 ***
Ether extract (g/kg DM)
BB 20.2b 23.4b 29.1a 23.2b 32.1a 1.97 **
AB 19.6 29.3 25.8 28,0 29.6 3.41 n.s.
APS 26.3b 31.4ab 35.7a 34.7a 34.6a 2.22 *
Crude protein (g/kg DM)
BB 195a 199a 204a 153c 174b 4.6 ***
AB 117b 126b 125b 122b 145a 3.7 ***
APS 78.7a 78.3a 67.1b 76.9a 78.1a 1.2 ***
Neutral detergent fibre (g/kg DM)
BB 395ab 356bc 311d 342cd 430a 11.7 ***
AB 589a 530ab 510b 541ab 528ab 17.1 *
APS 547ab 555ab 540b 532b 571a 9.9 **
Acid detergent fibre (g/kg DM)
BB 272b 266b 233c 259b 326a 8.2 ***
AB 398 359 353 379 354 13.3 n.s.
APS 358ab 365a 361a 336b 374a 7.3 ***
Acid detergent lignin (g/kg DM)
BB 77.9a 65.0b 35.1c 35.1c 63.4b 3.63 ***
AB 131a 81b 80b 84b 89b 6.8 ***
APS 84.5bc 87.1b 91.9b 77.1c 107.9a 2.67 ***
In vitro dry matter digestibility (g/kg DM)
BB 888a 829b 857ab 800b 822b 14.7 **
AB 670b 724ab 723ab 737ab 769a 23.2 *
APS 606b 579c 632a 629ab 615ab 7.1 ***
Total polyphenols (g/kg DM)
BB 5.86c 8.85a 9.59a 7.48b 6.73ab 0.308 ***
AB 1.96d 7.60c 10.08b 15.29a 7.56c 0.734 ***
APS 5.02b 5.47ab 5.95a 5.55ab 4.96b 0.240 **

a–e Different letters in the same row indicate significant difference between days. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001; n.s.: non significant.