Strath and Rowley [5] |
2018 |
The effect of consumer wearable device intervention on behavioral change, physical activity, and health outcomes. |
Brickwood et al. [6] |
2019 |
The influences of consumer-based wearable activity tracker utilization on physical activity participation and sedentary behavior. |
Bohm et al. [7] |
2019 |
The effects of the combination of mobile health technology and wearable activity tracker intervention on physical activity-related outcomes. |
Aroganam et al. [8] |
2019 |
The trends and projections for wearable technology in the consumer sports sector. The role of wearable technology for different users and its benefits in everyday lives. |
Khakurel et al. [9] |
2018 |
Current knowledge about the recent trends in wearable technology to assess both its potential in the work environment and the challenges concerning the utilization of wearables in the workplace. |
Taj-Eldin et al. [10] |
2018 |
The benefits of wearable technology for certain populations who experience rapidly changing emotional states, such as people with autism spectrum disorder and people with intellectual disabilities. |
Johansson et al. [11] |
2018 |
Quantitative and qualitative clinical research using wearable sensors in epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke. |
Feehan et al. [12] |
2018 |
The accuracy of Fitbit devices in clinical and research settings. |
Farrahi et al. [13] |
2019 |
Machine learning approaches for validating and analyzing wearable device data. |