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. 2020 May 8;10(5):817. doi: 10.3390/ani10050817

Table 5.

Complete blood count values in L. infantum infected stray cats from Northern Italy.

n. RBCs (6560–11200 ×103/μL) Hb (10.6–15.6 g/dL) Hct (31.7–48.0%) MCV (36.7–53.7 fl) MCH (12.3–17.3 pg) MCHC (30.1–35.6 g/dL) RDW (16.7–22.9%) PLTs (175.0–500.0 ×103/μL) WBCs (4040–18700/μL) Neutrophils (2300–14000/μL) Lymphocytes (800–6100/μL) Monocytes (0–700/μL) Eosinophils (0–1500/μL) Basophils (0–100/μL)
1 5990 10.0 28.5 47.5 16.6 35 15.2 470 13600 11696 1088 408 408 0
2 7080 9.3 29.8 42.0 13.1 31.2 17.8 397 19500 14430 2340 390 2340 0
3 8370 11.6 42.2 50.0 13.8 27.5 19.2 321 8600 6708 516 172 1204 0
4 8010 12.1 38.6 48.0 15.1 31.3 17.3 444 12900 9159 2580 129 1032 0
5 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
6 5470 8.9 29.0 60.0 16.2 27.2 16.2 393 19100 12033 4775 1719 573 0
7 8230 11.4 38.6 47.0 13.9 29.6 17.4 197 25400 20066 2286 1016 1778 254
8 8360 10.2 29.4 35.2 12.3 34.8 18.4 193 8580 5663 2574 0 343 0
9 8290 10.6 32.9 39.7 12.8 32.3 29.7 537 8250 5693 1485 577 495 0
10 8660 15.0 44.0 51.0 17.4 34.3 18.2 249 13800 10350 1656 276 1518 0

RBCs = red blood cells; Hb = hemoglobin; Hct = hematocrit; MCV = mean cell volume; MCH = mean cell hemoglobin; MCHC = mean cell hemoglobin concentration; RDW = red blood cell distribution width; WBCs = white blood cells; PLTs = platelets. In bold value outside the reference ranges; nd: not determined.