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. 2020 May 12;9(5):414. doi: 10.3390/antiox9050414

Table 2.

Synthesis of the studies aimed at testing the antioxidant properties of some substances such as melatonin, vitamin C, resveratrol, nMitoQ, hydrogen and erythropoietin. Specifically, the table shows the animal models used in the studies and the type of hypoxic damage induced. Additionally, the type of treatment, the dosage, the route of administration and the therapeutic effects obtained are described.

Antioxidant Treatments Animal Models Hypoxic Damage Treatment Dosage Route of Administration Therapeutic Effects Ref.
MELATONIN Pregnant Wistar rats Occlusion of the uterine artery for 20 min;
GD 15.
(1 h prior to fetal hypoxia)
10 mg/kg Intraperitoneal injections Reduction of ROS [57]
VITAMIN C Pregnant Wistar rats Hypoxic conditions (13% O2);
GD 6–20.
(every day during pregnancy)
5 mg/mL Drinking water Prevention of oxidative damage; improvement of placental function and protection fetal
RESVERATROL Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats Hypoxic conditions (11% O2);
GD 15–21.
(for 9 weeks)
4 g/kg Diet integration Promotion of cardiac recovery by increasing cardiac SOD. [62]
(for 18 weeks)
Reduce heart damage by increasing in cardiac p-AMPK and SOD2 levels. [63]
nMITOQ Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats Hypoxic conditions (11% O2);
GD 16–21.
(GD 15)
125 μM Intravenous injections Restoration of molecular changes induced by fetal hypoxia such as microRNA, bone morphogenetic protein and amino acids
and reduction of oxidative stress in the placenta.
Improvement of the sensitivity to vasorelaxation and the systolic dysfunction in the offspring of 7 and 13 months and reduction of placental oxidative stress. [67]
Improvement of the oxygenation, angiogenesis and placental morphology, especially in the placenta of female offspring. [68]
HYDROGEN Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats Hypoxic conditions (8% O2% and 92% N2);
GD 17–18.
(4 h of exposure to this condition at GD 17–1 at the term)
Mixture of hydrogen (2% H2, 8% O2% and 90% N2) Restoration of the anomalies of sensory responses and prevent neurological damage induced by fetal hypoxia. [71]
ERYTHROPOIETIN Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats Occlusion of the uterine artery for 60 min;
GD 18
(After 4 days from the fetal hypoxia per 5 days; PD 1–5)
500 U/kg per 1 day, 1000 U/kg per 3 days and 2000 U/kg per 5 days. Intraperitoneal injections Improvement of the neurological damage and the correct development of the nervous system. [76]
2000 U/kg Reduction of the excessive activity of the calpain and protection of the central nervous system. [78]

GD; gestational days, PD; post-natal days, ROS; reactive oxygen species, SOD; superoxide dismutase, NAC; N-acetylcysteine, AMPK; adenosine monophosphate kinase Cardiac.