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. 2020 May 21;9(5):667. doi: 10.3390/foods9050667

Table 2.

Effect of tannin extract (TE) inclusion and days at display on color parameters of beef patties (avg = average of TE level or day of retail display).

Days at Display-β
TE-α 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 avg
L* 0% 51.07 47.70 49.17 48.25 48.12 50.38 45.90 48.65
0.5% 48.24 46.04 47.86 48.51 47.37 48.29 45.45 47.39
1% 48.85 47.38 48.52 46.99 48.11 47.41 46.29 47.65
1.5% 50.33 49.28 49.24 48.23 48.88 48.82 47.78 48.94
avg 49.62 a 47.60 cd 48.70 b 47.99 bc 48.12 bc 48.72 b 46.36 d
a* 0% 20.56 Aa 18.60 Ab 17.24 Ac 16.92 Ac 14.34 Ad 12.21 e 12.37 e 16.03
0.5% 19.83 ABa 16.79 Bb 15.57 Bc 14.35 Bd 12.96 Be 12.06 e 12.59 e 14.86
1% 19.72 ABa 15.51 Cb 15.40 Bb 14.38 Bc 13.28 ABc 12.16 d 13.02 cd 14.78
1.5% 19.40 Ba 15.91 BCb 15.42 Bb 14.10 Bc 13.20 Bcd 12.38 d 12.71 d 14.73
avg 19.89 16.70 15.91 14.94 13.45 12.20 12.65
b* 0% 12.88 BCa 11.61 Bb 11.85 Bb 11.83 Bb 10.67 Cc 10.53 Bc 9.80 Cc 11.31
0.5% 12.22 Ca 10.47 Cbc 11.39 Bab 11.33 Bab 10.75 Cbc 10.67 Bbc 10.18 BCc 11.00
1% 13.34 ABa 10.95 BCd 12.23 Bb 11.15 Bcd 12.02 Bbc 11.37 Bbcd 11.25 Bbcd 11.76
1.5% 14.08 Aa 12.83 Ab 13.82 Aab 12.97 Ab 13.73 Aab 13.19 Aab 13.16 Aab 13.40
avg 13.13 11.46 12.32 11.81 11.79 11.44 11.10
Chroma 0% 24.27 a 21.93 Ab 20.92 Abc 20.65 Ac 17.90 ABd 16.14 Be 15.80 Ce 19.66
0.5% 23.31 a 19.78 BCb 19.29 Bbc 18.29 Bc 16.86 Bd 16.11 Bd 16.18 BCd 18.54
1% 23.82 a 19.00 Cbc 19.67 ABb 18.20 Bcd 17.93 ABcd 16.66 Be 17.21 ABde 18.93
1.5% 23.00 a 20.44 Bb 20.72 Ab 19.16 Bc 19.05 Ac 18.10 Ac 18.31 Ac 19.97
avg 23.85 20.29 20.15 19.07 17.94 16.75 16.88
Hue 0% 32.08 31.97 34.45 34.95 36.72 40.87 38.41 35.64 D
0.5% 31.62 31.94 36.17 38.31 39.81 41.54 39.35 36.96 C
1% 33.99 35.17 38.47 37.7 42.13 43.03 40.81 38.76 B
1.5% 35.92 38.87 41.81 42.57 46.12 46.83 46.01 42.59 A
avg 33.40 e 34.49 d 37.73 c 38.38 c 41.19 b 43.07 a 41.14 b

ABC Means with different superscripts are significantly different within TE levels (α). abcde Means with different superscripts are significantly different within days of retail display (β). For L*: Standard error of the mean (STE) = 0.113, p values α = 0.169, β < 0.0001, and αβ = 0.075. For a*: STE = 0.061, p values α < 0.0001, β < 0.0001, and αβ = 0.004. For b*: STE = 0.055, p values α < 0.0001, β < 0.0001, and αβ = 0.047. For chroma: STE = 0.067, p values α < 0.0001, β < 0.0001, and αβ = 0.001. For Hue: STE = 0.152, p values α < 0.0001, β <0.0001, and αβ = 0.288. For hue angle, no interaction was detected, and means identification was performed for avg of single effects (p < 0.0001).